A strange video linked to BTS's official YouTube channel briefly causes confusion among fans

A strange video linked to BTS's official YouTube channel briefly causes confusion among fans

A strange video was recently found on BTS's official YouTube channel, BANGTANTV, causing confusion.


A number of Korean fans recently discovered that a video titled "Boss Level" was linked to the BANTANTV channel since January 30. (As of writing, it seems that the video is no longer linked to BTS.)

The video consisted of a repetitive, minimal beat which went on for approximately 8 minutes, while the beat's album cover displayed images of elephants and mushrooms. The track's details indicated that the album was called 'Bassline VA 003', produced and written by Bread and Butter and published by El Bassline


The video, which some Korean fans noticed once they searched BTS using Naver's search engine, seemed entirely unrelated to BTS, raising speculations that the BANGTANTV channel may have been hacked.

Others speculated that it may have been an error on YouTube's end.

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